@lice in www.onderland


@lice in www.onderland is a multimedia dance adaptation of Lewis Carrol’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. The play links the modern society’s obsession with the internet to the drug induced dream world that Carroll and his Victorian counterparts may have engaged in. @lice in www.onderland portrays cyberland as a world of infinite possibilities and absurd realities, the imagination gone wild by the click of a mouse and key board.

Each chapter in the winding tale of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland is performed in a clever way in @lice in www.onderland. For example, the white rabbit circles in and out on roller blades and the caterpillar is made of two women entangled by a single garment. All of the dancers are wonderful, fusing ballet and contemporary techniques that magically tell the story. In addition, the costumes and soundtrack truly complete the production, making it a feast for the eyes and ears.

@lice in www.onderland
is as dazzling and frightening as the classic, successfully providing a view of the world wide web and our increasing fixation with it. The final words of the play ring true: “Cyberspace has become everyone’s wonderland.”

@lice in www.onderland is recommended for those who appreciate dance and fairytales. Carroll experts might also find this production interesting.

@lice in www.onderland is presented as part of FringeNYC. For more information visit www.onderland.net